Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Michael Phelps caught smokin' a doobie...

At 6:45 am this morning I was doing my usual routine…turn coffee pot on, turn on the today show, and try to wake up. Well, to my dismay the story I heard this morning was definitely breaking news. Michael Phelps Olympic gold medallist was caught smoking dope!
WOW! So, then I get in my car and turn on the radio and listen to my usual MJ in the morning show on 97.9 and again all I hear is this story of Phelps smoking pot. The radio disc jockey went on to talk about Phelps and the incident that took place.
The fact is that this is news to everyone because the world looks at Phelps as a role model. The problem is that even though the 23 year old is an Olympic gold medallists and a hero to many young people of the world. He is still just a young man in his own right and should not judged on every aspect of his life.
The media is crucifying Phelps for this action and trying to tear him down completely for his stupidity. Phelps went on to say in a press release…
”I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me.”
Should the public forgive him? Of course they should. What is interesting to me is that I guarantee that 85% of the journalists who are covering these stories have smoke a doobie or two in their day. The media should lay off a little bit but of course they are going to ride this into the ground. We will probably be hearing about this five years from now.


  1. You are absolutely right, Carrie; we will be hearing about this one at the next Olympics when Rowdy Gaines asks Phelps about the "bong incident." I thought it was just the British press that was so brutal, but earlier today, I was listening to a blistering attack of Phelps in a panel discussion on ESPN.com. One of the panelists asked whether or not Phelps' endorsements would be affected, and when another panelist tried to said that they wouldn't, the original panelist interrupted her and went on a tear about Phelps losing "millions of dollars" because of his stupidity--not exactly objective. You could argue that Phelps should know that celebrities are marked targets, but you could also argue that all those years of painful practice in chlorinated water have made him a little anxious for some overdue recreation.

  2. Well, I agree with some things, but not everything. Yes, Michael Phelps is a young man who made a big mistake. But, as far as the media is concern, I don't think that they are being that hard on him. He still has his endorsements and he will be able to keep his gold medals. The only thing he lost was his pride and the respect that American's had for him. Personally, if he were of minority descent the media would have really been all over him. He would have lost some of his endorsements if not all of them and because it was marijuana he would not be in jeopardy of loosing his gold medals. The reason Phelps will not lose his gold medals, is because marujuana is not like a steriod tpye of drug. And when he was competeing he tested negative.

    He was a role model for the children that look ed up to him. The media could have really been harder, but he is getting off easy. Unfortunately, as we all know the media always harp on things to long. They will talk about this for a few days and then it will die down. I'm sorry this happen and he got caught,but maybe now he has learned from his mistake. We all make mistakes and should be forgiven, because we are humans. We should always remember that what is done in the dark always come to the light.

  3. Of course the media is going to have a field day with this. Michael Phelps, the world record setting yound olympian gold medalist was acting irresponsible. The media doesn't have morals or values, it has motivation to be the first to deliver the "juiciest"news, whether it's a real crisis or no big deal. I feel so bad for him. On top of that, it's not like he was arrested, or caught using steroids during training or the olympic games, this was his off and what is supposed to be private time. In my opinion, he can smoke as much pot as he wants, he's still the man. That is, until someone breaks his record.

  4. Everything that was said by you guys is all true. He should be entitled to do whatever he wants. It his off time. Unfortunately, it had to happen to him and I feel bad for him. But then again I look back at the Matt Leinart incident with the beer bong. When these athletes do these things, it looks bad on them and it also looks bad on us as American citizens. Phelps will be back and this story will not be heard until 2012. Great post. Interesting story.

  5. Ii I was in his situation I wouldn't care if people forgave me or not because I am human and no one is perfect.

    He is honored for what he is good at doing, so why does everyone always have to point out the bad things about a person!? This situation does not make him less of a man or a role model in my eye because everyone has things that is not considered the best choices in the world.

    Give him a break, he did great at the olympics and the rest should have nothing to do with us.

  6. michael phelps is a role model, period. the way he acted was stupid and unproffessional, but come one, the guy won eight gold medals, EIGHT! from my opinion, i think this guy deserves have as much fun as possible. he has declared his life from youth, to becoming the world sbest swimmer and fastest, he deserves a long long retirement, and if that involves havoing a little fun with drugs and alcholhol than i say more power to him. he got nothing but money and has had no life untill now. i say live it up Mikey Phelps.
