Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is the Media thriving on Madoff scandal...?

Before Bernard (Bernie) Madoff pulled off the largest scam in America I had never heard the term and certainly never used it.
Driving home from school today I heard it at least seven times.
There have been many Blogs out there and articles stating that the Madoff scheme is pulling in a tremendous amount of media play. The fact is that people need and want to know when they are getting ripped off.
J. Max Robbins, Vice President and Executive Director of Industry Programs, states that there are two book deals on the way about Madoff and his world wide scheme.
I don’t really see a problem in someone writing a book about the situation but, I do agree with Robbins that this is an example of another scheme.
There are so many money hungry people out there that they will thrive on others losses…just to make a quick buck!
The media is focusing on stories that deal with corruption.
Some feel as if maybe the media is focusing on the “bad” guys on purpose.
I don’t know…I think if someone screws over innocent people the way that Madoff did …he deserves what is coming to him!


  1. You know when I saw Madoff on television when this all came out he showed no remorse at all. He just had this little smirk on his face, and I said to myself this guy is a piece of work. The media should let everyone know what he did to those people. Theses were his friends and he acts like nothing happen. Some of these people have lost everything. How, can this man look in the face and not feel terrible.

    Greed will either land you in jail or in the grave. Looks like Madoff will land in jail for a long time.

  2. Why is he not in jail now? In my opinion, he is equal to someone who robbed Wells Fargo or Fort Knox, so why is he not in jail being held without bail? In my opinion, I don't think the media has focused enough attention on this guy and all the other white collar executives who have stolen money from others. Maybe if their faces were plastered in the paper, on television, over the internet day after day, the harassment would be unbearable for them. Well, boo hoo, too bad. I guess I can see where someone would want to write a book about a scheme that sucked in thousands of people, but if it glorified these crooks, that would make me sick. I want justice!

  3. I'm not surprised that a scandel like this came to the surface. I mean the whole reason the nation is in a finanicial crisis in the first place is due to people being greedy. The question isnt how can Madoff look the people he screwed over in the face, act like nothing happened and feel no remose for them. The question is how could he do that and all the other greedy people in wall street, people who took out huge bank loans they couldnt afford and the lenders who gave it to them look the nation in the face knowing all the destruction and termoil they caused.

  4. likei said before journalists are rats, they will dig their hands into any dirty topic and or subject. no matter if the story affends someone or the idea of actually writin git is hurtful, their aim is to be a ssuccessful writer, and distance themselves from the stoires they write.

  5. I do apologize to ruin the parade but I am unaware of the Madoff scandal. I mean I heard of it, I have seen his picture but no ever goes into detail and I have not bothered to read it because it doesn't interest me.

    I guess that is why I changed my major to P.R from Journalism because the media has made a total 360 about what is important these days and none of it seems to interest me.
