Thursday, March 19, 2009

Media drools over Stewart's comments about Obama...

Democrats have longed for a president like Obama. We have waited for someone to come in and take charge and make a change for the better.

Well, recently some feel as if certain democrats are turning their back on President Obama.

Recently, the Obama administration unveiled a plan to start moving veterans that have private insurance out of the VA system and have them treated privately, with their own coverage.

Since the administration announced this proposal they have backed down, but many people were not happy.

The administration stated that it would have dramatically altered the way the department of veterans affairs handles insurance claims.

Well, that is fine with me.

But, the issue is that some are saying that democrats have been turning on Obama.

For example: Jon Stewart, after his late night show a few days ago there has been quite an uproar of blogs and articles describing Stewarts’ bantering.

The fact is that Stewart is known for his “say it how it is” approach. If he doesn’t agree with something he will say it.

The fact that republications are thriving on the thought of a democrat changing their mind about Obama…

is ridiculous…

Jon Stewart, will always believe in Obama. He may not agree with everything Obama says, but he still supports him.

The media just loves the negativity of it all…


  1. What else is new. You got to have something to talk about. We as american people should give the president a chance to run this country. Republicans are just waiting for Democrates to turn on each other. That's how they operate. They don't know how to take President Obama. This is the first time that someone has really stood up to them and they don't know how to handle it.

    Mr. Stewart, "may say it how it is," but he will never turn on the president. I agree, the media loves negativity and will keep this going on for as long as they feel the public will listen.

  2. In order to stop the media from rehashing endless negativity, we, as Americans, have to become better informed. If all of us understood what was behind some of these bills, what they entailed, who would be affected, etc., then newspapers and late night comedians would stop appealing to our baser instincts--I'm talking about anger here. Surely, we are better and more complex than just this. We all need to try to understand each other better and what is going on in our country better, in order to dialogue with each other and have meaningful conversations instead of shouting matches.

  3. We were discussing this in class today. Not everyone is going to agree with Obama. You're always going have extreme liberals and conservatives on both sides that are going to defend the President or go against him.

    Obama is getting this bad end of the stick because he's been thrown into office at a rough time, but guess what? So was Roosevelt during the Great Depression.

    It's no easy feat being President, and I agree. People, especially the media, should cut Obama a little bit of slack.
